About Us

About Us

Our CEO, Gina Mesa knows the importance of excellent health and well-being. So she and the Vegan Fuel Gummies team have created healthy snacks to benefit your overall well-being. Our gummies are made with organic ingredients for ultimate wholesome yumminess.

Our corporate office for Vegan Fuel Gummies, LLC is located downtown Chicago in the beautiful Gold Coast. Next to John Hancock building and Louis Vuitton. Opening and closing hours are 9 am to 5 pm, Monday – Friday, respectively. We help make life a little easier and more delicious.

Vegan Fuel Gummies

The journey of Vegan Fuel Gummies is quite interesting! With an aim to help humans live a healthier and happier life, we came up with the idea to consume plant extracts in form of a gummy instead of eating non-vegetarian or dairy products. 

Each product offered by us is vegan-friendly and contains plant extracts from responsibly harvested plants that have natural health benefits for both the body and mind. 

No animal gelatin is used here!

At Vegan Fuel, we consider every life to be valuable. Our delicious teddy-shaped gummy candy doesn’t require any animal gelatin at all. Hence, we use modified food starch, a perfect plant-based replacement, in place of animal gelatin.

No Palm Oil

We strictly do not want to contribute to harming rainforests with the use of Palm oil as tropical rainforests are directly being harmed by the expansion of palm oil plantations. So, you cannot find palm oil in our Vegan Fuel gummies.

Celebrating the Switch

Having quirky flavors, all the gummies offered by Vegan Fuel are just an attempt to celebrate the switch from being vegetarian/non-vegetarian to VEGAN!

Our Values

If you like to enjoy 100% vegan and gluten-free gummies bringing you energy and health,
Vegan Fuel has got you and your loved ones covered!

Our commitment to excellence, our love for sustainability, and our kindness for
both people and animals help us serve as one of the top Vegan
Gummy providers in the US market.

No animal gelatin is used here!

At Vegan Fuel, we consider every life to be valuable. Our delicious teddy-shaped gummy candy doesn’t require any animal gelatin at all. Hence, we use pectin, a perfect plant-based replacement, in place of animal gelatin.


No Palm Oil

We strictly do not want to contribute to harming rainforests with the use of Palm oil as tropical rainforests are directly being harmed by the expansion of palm oil plantations. So, you cannot find palm oil in our Vegan Fuel gummies.

Celebrating the Switch

All the gummies offered by Vegan Fuel Gummies are just an attempt to celebrate the switch from animal based to plant-based. We guarantee you will love the taste of our gummies.


The best team

Healthier and Happier!

Today’s world is becoming more complex and fast-paced, and regardless of age, everyone is fighting to resist the numerous strains of life, both at home and at work. The importance of excellent health and well-being is something that the Vegan Gummies team is aware of, and we want to make it easier and more effective than it already is. Our trustworthy, science-backed, gluten-free, and vegan gummies are here to help you feel wonderful both inside and out.
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